It’s been about 10 days since my last post. You could call it the perfect storm, as three events came together.

Cottage in Canada

  1. Nature trumps Internet Access: I’ve traveled with my family to a remote spot in Ontario Canada along the Ottawa River. It’s a summer cottage that’s been in the family for about 75 years. Located at the end of a road that winds through beautiful a natural forest, there are many more animals than humans. Beaver dam up small creeks to create small lakes for their young. The call of the heron and blue jay are much more frequently heard than the sound of a telephone. The sound of children playing with friends they only see for two weeks a year is like music. We all look forward to the sandy beaches and catching up news with local cottagers we have known since birth. It’s a chance to appreciate all that we have on earth as God originally provided. Internet access is a challenge with good reason. No one wants too much civilization to arrive.
  2. Where’s Technical Support When You Need Them?: Just before departing for Canada, I upgraded the software for this Blog. You can guess. It didn’t work. I lost the ability to add new posts until this morning. With limited access to the internet it has been a real challenge to get back online. Many thanks to the WordPress support, the problem ended up at the host.
  3. Dead Catfish By the Hundreds: I’ve been in the middle of a mystery here on the Ottawa River. On arrival here, we started discovering scores of dead catfish washed up on our little beach. It continued for a few days with no local news reports. After having picked up over 50 dead fish on the third day of vacation, we called the local papers to alert them. Surprisingly they hadn’t heard. Reporters descended and finally the authorities started investigating. The Blog has taken a back seat as we’ve been busy keeping our children safe and happy out of the water. Yesterday was “Pirate Day” put on by the older kids for the younger ones. There were pirate costumes, pirate names, scary pirate face painting, sword fights and a hunt for buried treasure. We had a tired but happy group of little pirates by the end of the day.