The purpose of this Blog is to provide a forum to share ideas and experiences that can lead to a sustained or predictable step improvement in the success rate of execution.

The phrase Strategy 2 Execution rather than Strategy to Execution is used when what is meant is the overall process of moving from Strategy all the way through to Execution. It is meant to distinguish itself from discussion around all the separate ‘sub-processes’ that exist between strategy and successful execution. There is a wealth of knowledge and commentary about each of these ‘sub-processes’. There is much less written and debated about overall Strategy 2 Execution.

The closest analogy to this is Supply Chain. Someone recognized that there were many small processes that work to move goods from the source to where they are used. They recognized that if you looked at all those small processes together as one big process, you could optimize in new ways and achieve significantly better results.

The focus is widely defined to cover execution of strategies, negotiations, sales, major change programs, social programs, etc. That is, execution of anything that can be translated into an critical targeted outcome.